Zdania z j .polskiego na j.angielksi pliss tylko nei z tłumacz google
1.anna jest Franzuzką.
2.Czy wy macie samochód?Tak mamy
3.My nie jesteśmy Włochami.My jesteśmy Szkotamu
4.Ona ma zeszyt ołówek temperówkę i piórnik
5.Moja mama ma 40 lat.
6.Czy ty jesteś Rosjanką.Nie,nie jestem
7.My mamy dziś jezyk polski ,język angielski i matematykę
8Ja nie mam przyrody, mamtemyki,muzyki i w-f we środę
9.Czy on jest Portugalczykiem?Tak
10.czy ona ma 17 lat?Nie ,ona ma 15 lat
11.Ona jest moją przyjaciółką.
12.Oni nie mają aparatu cyfrowego i zegarka
13.Adam ma ciemne włosy i duże zielone oczy
14.Mój dziadek ma brodę i wąsy.
15.Czy twoja mama jest wysoka i szczupła?
Pliss o pomoć
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Anna is French.
2. Have you got a car? Yes, we have.
3. We aren`t Italians. We are Scottish.
4. She has got a notebook, a pencil, a rubber and a pensilcase.
5. My mother is fourty years old.
6. Are your Russian? No, i am not.
7. We have today : Polish, English and maths.
8. I haven`t got biology, maths, music and physical education at Wednesday.
9. Is he Portuguese? Yes, he is.
10. Is she seventeen years old? No, she is fifteen years old.
11. She is my friend.
12. They haven`t got digital camera and watch.
13. Adam has got dark hair and big, green eyes.
14. My grandfather has got a beard and a moustache.
15. Is your mother tall and slim?
1.Anna is French.
2. Have you got a car? Yes, we have.
3. We aren`t Italians. We are Scottish.
4. She has got a notebook, a pencil, a rubber and a pensilcase.
5. My mother is fourty years old.
6. Are your Russian? No, i am not.
7. We have today : Polish, English and maths.
8. I haven`t got biology, maths, music and physical education at Wednesday.
9. Is he Portuguese? Yes, he is.
10. Is she seventeen years old? No, she is fifteen years old.
11. She is my friend.
12. They haven`t got digital camera and watch.
13. Adam has got dark hair and big, green eyes.
14. My grandfather has got a beard and a moustache.
15. Is your mother tall and slim?