Zdania do przetłumaczenia i zastosowanie :which,who,that 1 człowiek który cię zna 2droga która idzie przez pola 3 dziewczyna która tam siedzi jest moją siostrą 4 ludzie którzy mieszkają w szklanych domach nie powini rzucać kamieniami 5 nie znam żadnej z dziewczyny której john zaprosił 6 ludzie do których należy ten dom są bardzo bogaci 7przyjaciel od którego właśnie dostałem wiadomość prosi żebym go odwiedził 8 paczka która przyszła dla john dziś rano zawierała książki 9 szekspir był najwiekszym dramaturgiem jaki kiedykolwiek żył 10 wiem coś ,co cię zainteresuje 11 to jest wszystko co zostało zrobione
4. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
5. I do not know any of the girls, whom he invited John
6. People to whom the house must be very rich
7. A friend from whom I got a message asking me to see him
8. Package that came for John this morning included a book
9. Shakespeare was the greatest playwright that ever lived
10. I know something that interested you
11. This is what has been done
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1. A man who knows you. 2. A way that goes across the fields. 3. A girl who sits there is my sister. 4. People who live in glass houses shouldn't through stones. 5. I don't know any girl who John invited. 6. People, who are owners of this house are very rich. 7. A friend who I just get a message from asks me for visit him. 8. A package, which came for John today morning contained books. 9. Shakespeare was the biggest dramatist who ever lived. 10. I know something, what can interests you. 11. It's all what has been done.
2. The road that goes through the field
3. the girl who sits there is my sister
4. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
5. I do not know any of the girls, whom he invited John
6. People to whom the house must be very rich
7. A friend from whom I got a message asking me to see him
8. Package that came for John this morning included a book
9. Shakespeare was the greatest playwright that ever lived
10. I know something that interested you
11. This is what has been done
2. A way that goes across the fields.
3. A girl who sits there is my sister.
4. People who live in glass houses shouldn't through stones.
5. I don't know any girl who John invited.
6. People, who are owners of this house are very rich.
7. A friend who I just get a message from asks me for visit him.
8. A package, which came for John today morning contained books.
9. Shakespeare was the biggest dramatist who ever lived.
10. I know something, what can interests you.
11. It's all what has been done.