Zaplanuj utworzebie kafejki internetowej w twoim mieście . Weź pod uwagę następujące czynniki :
a) potrzebne pieniądze(money needed)
b) rodzaje klientów( type of customers)
c) lokalizację(location)
d) oferowane usługi( services you will offer)
e) umeblowanie i dekolarcja sali ( furniture and decoration)
f) utworzenie dobrej atmosfery( how to create a nice atmosphere)
g) jaki rodzaj oprogramowania i sprzętu potrzebujesz( what type of hardware and software you need)
h) rodzaj połączenia internetowego (type of internet connection)
i) ile będą płacić klienci (how much you will charge)
j) nazwa kafejki(name)
k) motto kafejki(slogan)
po angielsku :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I'd like to suggest making an internet cafe. The amount of money I'll need isn't big it's about (kwota jak potrzebna, nie orientuję się). It should be apropriate for all type of customers. For kids as well as for teenagers or elder people. The cafe should be situated in the center of the town, near Kościuszki's Street. The services which will be offered are using computer connected to Internet, printing files, using webcams which are useful to Skype application. I'll need to buy about 14 desks, 14 computers, about 6 webcams and 2 printers. What's more some nice pictures are worth buying. They'll make nice atmosphere. Walls should be painted with worm colours such as orange it'll also help with making good atmosphere. I will aalso need Windows xp hardware and computers shoul be bought from Apple company. The internet connection should be wireless, in my pinion it's the best. The clients will pay about 10 PLN per hour. The name of the cafe might be 'Branch of future' and it's motto should be "Through internet to world'.
Dane typu ilość rzeczy, ceny i koszt, czy też nazwa możesz zmienić.