Zapisz po angielsku zdania Proszę nie używać tłumaczy.. 1. Odwiedziliśmy Peru w tym roku. 2. napisał kilka bardzo interesujących artykułów odkąd zaczął pracować w New. 3. Zwykle nie mam ochoty sprzątać w garażu ale dzisiaj robię to z przyjemnością. 4. Bob i Tom nie grali w warcaby, kiedy wszedłem do pokoju. Oni grali w szachy. 5. Pan Jan był bardzo rozczarowany kiedy dowiedział się że cena papieru przestała wzrastać. 6. Rzecznik prasowy premiera potwierdził, że premier zamierza odwiedzić Watykan w maju.
1. We have visited Peru this year. 2. He has written many interesting articles since he started working in New. 3. I don't usually want to clean up in my garage but I am doing it with pleasure, today. 4. Bob and Tom weren't playing checkers, when I went into room. They were playing chess. 5. Mr. Jan was very disappointed when he heard, the price of paper has stopped increasing. 7. Premier's spokesman confirmed, Premier's going to visit Vatican in May.
2. He has written many interesting articles since he started working in New.
3. I don't usually want to clean up in my garage but I am doing it with pleasure, today.
4. Bob and Tom weren't playing checkers, when I went into room. They were playing chess.
5. Mr. Jan was very disappointed when he heard, the price of paper has stopped increasing.
7. Premier's spokesman confirmed, Premier's going to visit Vatican in May.