Zapisałam się do klubu miłośników przyrody i był dzień otwarty. Wyjaśnij jaki był cel tego spotkania. Poinformuj jakich go sci zaprosiliście. Opisz reakcję uczestników na zaprezentowane materiały. Oceń skuteczność imprezy.
70- 120 słów
ADVERTISEMENT I and my friends from club "fan of nature" We`re organising open day in our club . We would like to invite well-known scientist - xyz For participants we prepered many attractions . You will be can see our modificated plants. Come and join to fun
I and my friends from club "fan of nature" We`re organising open day in our club .
We would like to invite well-known scientist - xyz
For participants we prepered many attractions . You will be can see our modificated plants. Come and join to fun