The machine has beenhit,thearealedbombinga military baseabout 25kilometersnorthwest ofAleppo, the main cityin the north ofSyria.The rebelsare trying tocontrolthis database, which would allowthem to controlthe wholenorthernpart of the country-has informed theSyrianObservatoryfor Human Rights.
According to theobservatoryrebelsrecentlywonseveralroundsof this kind.How wouldthe AFP, ifthese reportsare confirmed,ongoingwarin Syria,may takea different turn, asthe rebelswill be able tobreak theadvantagein the airforces ofthe regime.
The machine has beenhit,thearealedbombinga military baseabout 25kilometersnorthwest ofAleppo, the main cityin the north ofSyria.The rebelsare trying tocontrolthis database, which would allowthem to controlthe wholenorthernpart of the country-has informed theSyrianObservatoryfor Human Rights.
According to theobservatoryrebelsrecentlywonseveralroundsof this kind.How wouldthe AFP, ifthese reportsare confirmed,ongoingwarin Syria,may takea different turn, asthe rebelswill be able tobreak theadvantagein the airforces ofthe regime.