Odwiedziłaś ze swoja koleżanką lokalna restaurację. Podziel się swoimi wrażeniami na blogu: -opisz restaurację, w której byliście/byłyście i podaj, w jakim rodzaju kuchni się specjalizuje. -Napisz co zamówiliście/zamówiłyście i jak wam smakowało. -Wspomnij jak oceniasz usługę lokalu. -Wyraź swoje zdanie na temat odwiedzonej restauracji. BARDZO PILNE.!!! ;*
Yesterday I went with my friend to the resteurant. The resteurant was really big. There was about 100 tables. Walls were pink. I liked this colour. It was Polish resteurant. They can do the best dumplings in the world so we took them. They were really delicious. Waiters were very nice and elegant. They were wearing white shirts and black jeans. I think that resteurant is very good. I will visit it tommorow too. I recommend it.
Yesterday I went with my friend to the resteurant. The resteurant was really big. There was about 100 tables. Walls were pink. I liked this colour. It was Polish resteurant. They can do the best dumplings in the world so we took them. They were really delicious. Waiters were very nice and elegant. They were wearing white shirts and black jeans. I think that resteurant is very good. I will visit it tommorow too. I recommend it.
Dzięki, liczę na naj ;)))