September 2018 1 28 Report

Zamien na strone bierna na normalna i rozszerzona.

1 Wczoraj obiecano chlopcu nagrode

2 Ten zamek jest czesto odwiedzany przez turystow

3W tym roku pytano mnie o to trzy razy

4 Spojrz, wsmiewaja sie z niego (to make fun of0

5 Nie wolno mi wchdzic do tego pokoju

1 People must not leave bicycles in the hall

2 The milkman brings the milk to my door

3 Im Future, perhaps, they won't bring letters to the house

4 People deal things from supermarkets everyday

5 They didn't pay me for the work, the expected me to do it for nothing

6 He escaped when they were morning him from our prison to the author

7 What did he write it with?

8They are watczning my house

9 The police shouldn't allow people to park there

Prosze o szybka odpowiedz bo musze to wkoncu zrozumiec :D a jezeli ktos by mi to wytlumaczyl to juz w ogole bylabym szczesliwa :) Daje naj :)

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