October 2018 2 44 Report

Zamien na stronę bierną :

1.The trip was ruined by bad weather.

2.Who was the money raised by?

3.How much have you paid?

4.His car has been stolen

5.The ozone layer is gradually being destroyed by pollution

6.Our house was dano up by a famous interior decorator

7.The cracks in the wall were caused by the earthquake

8.Thousands of rare birds are killed by hunters every year.

9.Her purse was stolen on the bus

10.An ancient village has been uncovered by archeologists

11.A new drug is being developed by scientists.

12.The island is being ruined by tourists.

13.Two rooms had been booked for her by her travel agent.

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Dopasuj tytuły do fragmentów tekstów.Jeden tytuł podany jest dodatkowoA First impressions.B What to takeC Before you go inD The best kin of job interviewE Practise your interviewF Learn form the experience.(1)______________Another good idea is to plan what you'll take to the interview (for example, pen and paper or extra copier of your CV) and make sure you know how to get there on time. If you are late for some reason, take the number of the contract person with you just in case. Obviously, you'll need to wear something smart but try to find out how formal or informal the employer is with regard to dress code.(2)_________On the subject of the person who interviews you, think about what questions he or she is likely to ask. Discuss it with famliy and firends and you can aven ask them to pretend to be the interviewer and ask you the questions for practise.(3) ______________Check your appearance one last time. Get rid of chewing gum and turn off yout mobile phone. Take a few deep breaths and walk in.(4) _____________wait for the person to offer you a seat before you sit andthen sit up straight and make good eye contact. Body language is crucial to make a goos impession so a firm handshake and a smile will make a big difference. Answer all the questions honestly and ask for more details if you don't understand. At the end, thank the interviewer for their time.(5) __________Go and relax. You can't change anything about it now so do something to take your mind off it. If youget the job, than great! If you don't, think about what you could do better next time.

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