August 2018 1 12 Report
Zamień na stronę bierną
1. The ncws about the exam results distrcssed Sidncy.
2. The company has cut all salaries.
3. A plumber is repairing Shirlcy's showcr.
4. They pay firefightcrs a lot of moncy.
5. Could you feed the dog?
6. We will appreciate an carly reply.
7. We usually grant a discount of 30%.
8. We arę sending our latest calalogue undcr separate cover.
9. Your products impressed us.
10. She didn't win the prizc.
11. People don't use this road vcry often.
] 2. You must not wash this coat.

13. They have changed the datę of mecting.
14. They serve hot meals till 10 p.m every day.
15. They arę building a ncw ring-road round the city.
"16 They arę operating on him at the moment.
N17 The others told the ncw sludcnts where to sit.
* 18 They require of pupil s to change shoes when cntering school.

proszę o szybką odp. Grozi mi jedynka i na jutro muszę to zrobić, a nie wiem jak
* 18 They require of pupil s to change shoes when cntering school.

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