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God giving birth. Happy waiting time - decorating the Christmas tree, smell of baked cakes, presents, bustle; these memories from the childhood in the special way wrote the Christmas Eve in our memory as most family and native from holidays get around. He is so also, if we watch customs unique but cultivated in this period appearing in the sphere of the Polish culture.
moim ulubionym świętem jest halloween . lubie je bo jest straszne . obchodzone jest 31 października . chodze z ziomkami i straszymy młodsze dzieciaki . czasem w nocy przechodzą nam ciarki :) taki święta mogłyby być codziennie . najlepsze w haloween są cukierki i kawały robione tym którzy nie chcą ich dać .
My favorite holiday is Halloween. I like it because it is terrible. is celebrated on October 31. I go with the homies and scare younger kids. sometimes at night we go shivers:) this Christmas could be every day. The best in halloween are candy and jokes are made to those who do not want to give.