Zad.dom po angielsku napisz krotka wiadomosc: Goscisz u siebie kolezanke z zagranicy.Niestety musisz wyjsc z domu zanim ona wstanie. Zostaw wiadomosc w ktorej znajda sie informacje: *Co ma zjesc na sniadanie *Gdzie sie spotkamy *O ktorej godzinie * co bedziecie robic
domilehDear .......... Today for breakfast is scrambled eggs with bacon. I'll meet you in the park with monuments seasons at 11:15. I have planned all afternoon. When we meet we'll go to walk through the park. Then we go out for ice cream, and then as we have at home is running programs on the console itself. I think you'll like this plan the day.
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Dear Anna! In the fridge are vegetables, meat and some ham. Make yourself sandwitches. I'm in Shop Center. We are meeting in 12 p.m. o clock in "Bogdan Restaurant". We are eaten dinner! ;) Kasia
Today for breakfast is scrambled eggs with bacon. I'll meet you in the park with monuments seasons at 11:15. I have planned all afternoon. When we meet we'll go to walk through the park. Then we go out for ice cream, and then as we have at home is running programs on the console itself. I think you'll like this plan the day.
In the fridge are vegetables, meat and some ham. Make yourself sandwitches.
I'm in Shop Center. We are meeting in 12 p.m. o clock in "Bogdan Restaurant".
We are eaten dinner! ;)