Zadanie za 10 pkt!
Książka: "Bravo 5" kl. 6!
strona 33, zadanie c.
rysunki mam uzupełnione, drugie:
dla sprawdzenia:
Today is (słonecznie)
yesterday it was... (pochmurnie)
The day before yesterday it was (deszczowo)
In summer it is (słonecznie)
In winter... (jest śnieżnie)
Tourists come in (lato) because the weather is (słoneczna)
They don't come in (jesień) because (pogoda jest pochmurna)
A teraz te, których nie wiem xD:
Which countries are colder than yours in winter?
Which countries are hotter than yours in summer?
odpowiedzi poproszę w obu językach - pierw polski potem angielski :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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is snow
is cloudy
Today is sunny.
Yesterday it was cloudy.
The day before yesterday it was rainy.
In summer it is sunny.
In winter it is snowy.
Tourists come in summer because the weather is sunny/hot (żeby się tyle nie powtarzało 'słoneczna' to możesz pozamieniać ;)
They don't come in autumn because the weather is cloudy.
Which countries are colder than yours in winter?
Russia, Greenland and Finland are colder in winter than my country.
Rosja, Grenlandia i Finlandia są w zimie zimniejsze niż mój kraj.
Which countries are hotter than yours in summer?
Italy, Spain and Brazil are hotter in summer than my country.
Włochy, Hiszpania i Brazylia są gorętsze w lecie niż mój kraj.
Buźka :*
Today is sunny
yesterday it was... cloudy
The day before yesterday it was rainy
In summer it is sunny
In winter... it is snowy
Tourists come in sammer because the weather is solar
They don't come in autumn because weather
Which countries are colder than yours in winter?
Odp. Syberia
Which countries are hotter than yours in summer?