Zad. 1. pierwsza kolumna: twice a week, often druga kolumna: now, at the moment trzecia kolumna: next year, in a week czwarta kolumna: last year, a week ago zostało: since
zad. 2. 1-g 2-f 3-d 4-a 5-c 6-e
zad. 3. 1. I'll be a vet in the future. 2. We'll meet next Friday. 3. They're swimming now. 4. I usually drink tea. 5. My uncle arrived yesterday. 6. She visited Cracow many times.
pierwsza kolumna: twice a week, often
druga kolumna: now, at the moment
trzecia kolumna: next year, in a week
czwarta kolumna: last year, a week ago
zostało: since
zad. 2.
zad. 3.
1. I'll be a vet in the future.
2. We'll meet next Friday.
3. They're swimming now.
4. I usually drink tea.
5. My uncle arrived yesterday.
6. She visited Cracow many times.
zad. 4.
1. so
2. because
3. if
4. to
5. but