Zadanie jest z tematu: telling stories.
Napisz historię (dla tych którzy nie patrzą na kategorię, w języku ang) używając zwrotów: sudennly, in the end, luckily, anyway, at first, to begin with, so, when, itp. (oczywiście to jest tylko część tych zwrotów) Historia może być zmyślona, chodzi o to żeby po prostu użyć tych zwrotów. Wypracowanie ma zawierać 100-120 słów.
Potrzebuję na dziś tak do godz 21.30 ;) Oczywiście wybiorę naj :))))))
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Yesterday, I was hanging around town with my friends, suddenly, a building exploded and everything went on fire. When we realised what happened, we lost sight of our friend Marc, so we looked for him everywhere. At first, we tried to call him, but he wouldn't answer, we called his parrents and his brother. We were very worried, but in the end we found him talking with his girlfriend. He told us that he said that he is going away, but neither me, nor Paul recalled him saying that.
The explosion was a very thrilling experience, luckily no one was harmed in this accident.
Trochę naciągane, ale mam nadzieje że się komuś przyda :)