na początku pierwszego tygodnia feri zimowych byłam w domu. Było dużo śniegu i mrożno. Często chodziłam na sanki z koleżanką, lepiłyśmy bałwana. wieczorami oglądałam telewizor. Bawiłam się z młodzymi siostrami. Dokarmiałam ptaki w karmniku wieszałam im słoninkę i sypałam ziarno. Drugi tydzień byłam u babci. Tam chodziłam na łyżwy z ciocią. ćiocia zabierała mnie do miasta na zakupy. U babci mam koleżanki Róże i Honoratę z nimi chodziłam na narty. robiłam babci zakupy. abcia bardzo się cieszyła, że do niej przyjechałam. Ferie zimowe wspominam bardzo miło i ciekawie.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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At the beginningof the first weekof winter holiday I was at home.There was a lotof snow andfreezing.OftenI wenton a sledwith a friend, we made a snowman. Evenings I watchingTV.I played with youngersisters.I fed birds and I took hangthem baconandpouredthe grain. In the second weekI was atgrandma's house.I wenttheretoskatewith my aunt.My aunttook meto townfor shopping.Inmy grandmother house I have friends Honorata and Roses and Iwentwith themonskis.I did grandmashopping.Grandmawas very gladthatI cameto it.Winter Holidaymemoriesvery nice andinteresting.
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In the first week of winter holidays I was in my home. It was cold and frostily. Me and my friend were often going on sledge, we were making a snowman. In the evenings I was watchung TV and playing with my younger sisters. I was fattening birds in feeder too, i was hanging bacon and pour seed. In the secound week I visited my Grandmother. I was ice skating with my aunt there. I was going with her to the shop in city centre. In my Grandmother's village i've got a friend Rose and Honorata. I was skiing with them and we were doing shopping for my Grandmother. She was very glad, that I visited her. I will very nice and interesting remember my winter holidays