October 2023 1 6 Report
Zadanie 9. (0-4) Przeczytaj trzy opisy aplikacji (A-C) oraz zdania 9.1.-9.4. Do każdego zdania dopasuj właściwy tekst. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jeden opis pasuje do dwóch zdań. A. Thanks to this application, you can quickly check the ingredients of a cosmetic or a cleaning product. While you are in a shop, just scan the bar code from a product you want to buy and the app will show you which ingredients are eco- friendly and ecological as well as whether it can cause allergies and whether the package is recyclable. With this app, you can 9.1. improve your vocabulary. 9.2. create your own films. B. With this easy application, you can record short films with your phone - and then edit them. You can add speech bubbles, funny images or even music. You can then send the video by email or upload it on the Internet. C. If you want to learn English words quickly and easily, this app is perfect for you. You can use word lists suggested by the app or you can make your own ones - and then revise and learn the words in a fun and creative way. You can either match pictures with words, listen to words, check your pronunciation and choose the correct spelling, or play simple games with the words you want to revise. 9.3. get useful information about products. 9.4. send something via email.​

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