Zadanie 1
Przetłumacz tekst na język polski.
In England children aren’t allowed to work until they are 13. On school days they can work up to hours either before 7 pm on after 7 am. 15-and 16-years-olds can work up to 8 hours on Saturdays. Popular jobs are babysitting, delivering newspapers, or working in a shop or cafe. Is it the same in your country?
Zadanie 2
Przeczytaj ogłoszenie o pracy(A-C) i pytania(1-4). Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź na każde pytanie. Jedno z ogłoszeń pasuje do dwóch odpowiedzi.
Employment Opportunities
A. Law firm seeks full-time receptionist. Working hours are 10:00 – 6:00, Monday to Friday. Duties include answering the phone, making appointments and typing various documents. Two years experience necessary. $17,000 – 19,000 per year.
B. UK Airways is now hiring flight attendants. All training provided. No experience necessary. Must be fiendly and willing to work long hours away from home. Knowledge of Spanish, German or French is a plus. Starting salary is $19,000 per year plus benefits. Email your CV to [email protected]
C. Busy Mexician restaurant seeks waiters and hostesses. Flexible hours (10 am – 2 pm or 4 pm – 8 pm). Experience necessary. $8,50 per hour plus tips. Call 74056832
1. Which vacancy is best for someone who would like to work part-time?
2. Which vacancy is best for someone who would like start a new career?
3. Which vacancy is best for someone who would like have a desk job?
4. Which vacancy is best for someone who would like have travel opportunities?
Zadanie 3
Dopasuj wyrazy wyróżnione w ogłoszeniach z zadania 2 do ich synonimów.
resume given looks for tasks advantage papers prepared extra money
Zadanie 4
Which job would be ideal for: a university student, a parent with young children, an unmarried person? Why?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Zadanie 1.
W Anglii dzieci mogą pracować dopiero, gdy mają 13 lat. W dni szkolne mogą pracować do godzin albo przed 7 wieczorem albo po 7 rano. 15- i 16-latki mogą pracować do 8 godzin w soboty. Popoularnymi zawodami są opieka nad dziećmi, dostarczanie gazet lub praca w sklepie albo kawiarni. Czy tak samo jest w Twoim kraju?
Zadanie 2.
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
Zadanie 3.
- seeks - looks for
- documents - papers
- provided - given
- willing - prepared
- plus - advantage
- CV - resume
- tips - extra money
Zadanie 4.
- a university student would like to work as a waiter or hostess because students have to attend classes, and this job offers offers flexible work hours which is good for their school schedule.
(Student chciałby pracować jako kelner albo hostessa, ponieważ studenci muszą uczęszczać na zajęcia, a ta praca oferuje elastyczne godziny pracy, co jest dobre dla ich planu lekcji.)
- a parent with young children would like to work as a receptionist because it offers free weekends and a lot of money.
(Rodzic z małymi dziećmi chciałby pracować jako recepcjonista ponieważ praca ta oferuje wolne weekendy i dużo pieniędzy.)
- an unmarried person would like to work as a flight attendant because he/she does not have a lot of responsibilies and is able to work away from home.
(Niezamężna/nieżonata osoba chciałaby pracować jako steward/stewaressa, ponieważ ona/on nie posiada zbyt wielu obowiązków i może pracować daleko od domu.)