September 2018 1 41 Report

Zadanie 1

Write the missing relative pronouns .Then circle those which you can leave out.

1.This is an apartment ________ owner is an artist.

2.Do you see the computer ________ is on the desk ?
3.It is one thing __________ I do not like sharing .

4.That is the market ________ I do my shopping.

5.The books belong to the girl ________ used to live here.

Zadanie 2

Use the phrases in the box to complete the definitions.

use to clean the floor | keep clothes | lives with you| sells flats and houses | use to wash clothes|watch TV

1.A washing machine is a thing you use to wash clothes.

2.A living room is a place _________

3.A wardrobe is a place ___________

4.Your flatmate is the person _________

5.An estate agent is a person_________

6.A vacuum cleaner is a thing _________

Zadanie 3

Complete the sentence for you. Then, in pairs, compare your sentences.

1._________ is the place where I usually hang out with my friends.

2._________ is something that I do not understand.

3._________ is the person whose opinion I trust the most.

4._________ is the possession which is most important to me.

5._________ is the person who makes me laugh the most.


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