November 2018 1 124 Report

Zadanie 1. Wpisz po dwa wyrazy do każdej kategorii. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.

one's bed, a chat, homework, one's teeth, the washing up, a bath, a sandwich

have do make

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Zadanie 2. Do każdego wyrazu z lewej kolumny przyporządkuj jedno wyrażenie, tak aby powstały poprawne zwroty. Jedno wyrażenie zostało podane dodatkowo.

1. LAY a. EARLY 1. ...................................

2. COME BACK b. HOME 2. ....................................

3. WAKE UP c. BOOKS ONLINE 3. ...................................

4. SURF d. THE TABLE 4. ...................................

5. CELEBRATE e. TO MUSIC 5. ....................................

6. LISTEN f. ONE'S BIRTHDAY 6. ....................................


Zadanie 3. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę.

1. a ceremony after someone's death

2. a person someone works with in a company

3. your mother's father

4. your father's sister

5. a person from your class

6. I love ......................... in a disco

7. your mother and your father

8. your sister's son

F_ _ _ _ _ _

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Zadanie 4. Uporządkuj słowa, tak aby utworzyć poprawne zdania.

1. gets she elder on with her brother.


2. getting I morning early up in hate the.


3. meal we after our brush teeth should every.


4. party me to he his invited birthday.


5. wedding anniversary on your congratulations!


Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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