Zadania 2,3,4 z załącznika :D Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :)
Notatkę oznaczyłem numerem np. 1:..
1: I'll be there for sure
2: ...but I can't make it
3: Fancy joining us?
4: Can you go to the beach for a BBQ on Sunday?
1: Marcus party is on New Year's Eve.
2: Imogen really likes fancy dress parties ("I'm really into fancy dress."- w tekście)
3: Sam is going to invite some friends for sleepover. They're going to have pizzas and watch DVDs.
4: Louis is going to meet his cousins.
5: Hannah invites Julie to do some barbeque at the beach on Sunday.
6: No. She said that everything will be at the place of that event (barbeque).
1: for example
2: telephone number
3: I also want to say
4: Please reply
5: barbeque
6: as soon as possible
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Notatkę oznaczyłem numerem np. 1:..
1: I'll be there for sure
2: ...but I can't make it
3: Fancy joining us?
4: Can you go to the beach for a BBQ on Sunday?
1: Marcus party is on New Year's Eve.
2: Imogen really likes fancy dress parties ("I'm really into fancy dress."- w tekście)
3: Sam is going to invite some friends for sleepover. They're going to have pizzas and watch DVDs.
4: Louis is going to meet his cousins.
5: Hannah invites Julie to do some barbeque at the beach on Sunday.
6: No. She said that everything will be at the place of that event (barbeque).
1: for example
2: telephone number
3: I also want to say
4: Please reply
5: barbeque
6: as soon as possible