zad.1 uzupełnij zdania używając some lub any.
a. we got....eggs but we need ....flour for the cake
b.there haven t got.....friends
c.there are.....lovely flowers in that garden
d.have you got....crisps
e.are there.....cans of tuna in that bag?
f.he s got....interesting paintings in his house
zad.2 uzupełnij zdania uzywając much,many lub a lot of.
a. were there.....people at the concert last night?
b.i ve got... ideas for the party
c.there isnt......sugar in that jar.
d.have you got
e.there werent.......interesting boys at jans party.
f.she has cgot.....books: she likes reading!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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a. some, any
b. any
c. some
d. any
e. any
f. some
a. many
b. many
c. much
d. much albo a lot of (nie znam kontekstu zdania)
e. many
f. a lot of