Zad.1 Przetłumacz na jezyk angielski.(mam z czasami past perfect,past simple,) a)Wybraliśmy imię dla naszego nowego zwierzaka. b)czy poznałas mojego brata? Tak poznałam go dwa dni temu. c)Czy skontaktowałeś sie z weterynarzem? Tak zadzwoniłem do niego wczoraj wieczorem.
Błagam o szybk.ą odpowiedz :) Bede wdzieczna do konca zycia hahahahahah :)pozdro
A) We chose the name for our new pet. b) whether you saw my brother? So I met him two days ago. c) Does your veterinarian contacted? So I called him yesterday evening
2 votes Thanks 0
A) We have chosen name for our new pet. b)-Have you met my brother? -Yes,I met him two days ago. c)-Have you spoken to the vet? -Yes,I phoned him yesterday evening.
Na 100% jest dobrze, bo robiliśmy to wcześniej i pani to zatwierdziła.
3 votes Thanks 1
A) We have chosen the name for our new pet. b)- Have you met my brother? - Yes, I have. I met him two days ago. c)- Have you contacted with the vet? - Yes, I thelephoned him yeterday ivning.
b) whether you saw my brother?
So I met him two days ago.
c) Does your veterinarian contacted?
So I called him yesterday evening
b)-Have you met my brother?
-Yes,I met him two days ago.
c)-Have you spoken to the vet?
-Yes,I phoned him yesterday evening.
Na 100% jest dobrze, bo robiliśmy to wcześniej i pani to zatwierdziła.
b)- Have you met my brother?
- Yes, I have. I met him two days ago.
c)- Have you contacted with the vet?
- Yes, I thelephoned him yeterday ivning.