zad.1. Połącz czasowniki z ramki A z wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki B. Przetłumacz na język polski.
clean the bed
cook the car
do the floor
feed the dinner
make up
set the dog
take out the rubbish
tidy the shopping
vacuum the table
wash your bedroom
zad.2 Podpisz obrazki. Użyj zwrotów z ćw.1.(Ja wam napiszę po polsku co oni robią na tym obrazku)
1. myje auto
2. zmywa naczynia
3. odkurza pokój
4. wynosi śmieci
5. nakrywa do stołu
6. ścieli łóźko
7. robi zakuby
8. karmi psa
zad. 3 Uzupełnij tekst. Użyj zwrotów z ćw.1 w odpowiedniej formie.
In our house, we all have jobs. My father always ¹ takes out the rubbish. He puts in the bin outside. My mother usually ²__________, but I help her. I like making pasta! After dinner, I ³__________ and put everything in the cupboard. My mother ⁴__________ on the Internet, because she hasn't got time to go to the supermarket. I always ⁵__________. His name's Bobo and he's always hungry! My brother ⁶__________. I don't like that job-the machine is so noisy. My father ⁷__________ because he drives it!
zad.4 Jerome nie pomaga swojej mamie w pracach domowych. Napisz, czego nie robi. (Ja wam napiszę po polsku czego on nie robi)
1. Nie zmywa naczyń
2. Nie odkurza
3. Nie robi zakupów
4. Nie gotuje
5. Nie karmi psa
To jest z książki ,,Project 2'' czerwona.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. It does not wash utensils
2. It does not dust
3. It does not make shopping
4. It does not cook
5. It does not feed dog
1. Car washes
2. It washes utensils
3. Chamber (peace) dusts
4. It totals (take away; amount to) garbage
5. It covers for table make the bed
7. It makes shoppin.
8.It feeds dog
zad 1 i 3 nie wiem
clean up ,cook the dinner, do the shopping,feed the dog,make the bed,set the table, take out the rubbish, tidy your bedroom, vacuum the floor, wash the car
zad2. 1.wash the car, 2.clean up, 3.vacuum the floor 4.take out the rubbish 5.set the table 6.make the bed the shopping 8.feed the dog
zad. 3.
In our house, we all have jobs. My father always ¹ takes out the rubbish. He puts in the bin outside. My mother usually ²_cooks the dinner, but I help her. I like making pasta! After dinner, I ³clean up and put everything in the cupboard. My mother ⁴does the shopping on the Internet, because she hasn't got time to go to the supermarket. I always feed the dog. His name's Bobo and he's always hungry! My brother ⁶vacuums the floor. I don't like that job-the machine is so noisy. My father ⁷washes the car because he drives it!
1.Jerome doesn't clean up(może też być zamiast clean up wash the dishes)
2.Jerome doesn't vacuum the floor.
3.Jerome doesn't do the shopping.
4.Jerome doesn't cook (the dinner-jeżeli chodzi o obiad).
5.Jerome doesn't feed the dog.