Zad. 5 Uzupełnij tekst z wyrazami podanymi w ramce.
get up, go, have, have, have.
I'm Anita Dorrick and I'm thirteen years old. I act in films so I don't go to school every day. What's my routine? I ................... at four o'clock in the morning! I start work at five o'clock. I .................... lunch at quarter past twelve and I .................. lessons with a teacher at home in the afternoon. In the evening I ................ my dinner at seven o'clock and I.................. to bed at eight o'clock. Zad. 6 Przeczytaj ponownie tekst w ćwiczeniu 5. Następnie odpowiedz na pytania. 1. Does she go to school every day? 2. What time does she get up? 3. When does she have lunch? 4. Where does she have lessons in the afternoon? 5. What time does she go to bed?