Zad 4 str. 80 Repetytorium gimnazjalne
Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne zgodnie z poleceniem.
Znalazłeś prace na czasz wakacji. Wykonujesz ją już od kilku dni. W liście do nauczyciela angielskiego napisz:
-jaką prace wykonujesz,
-jakie są twoje wrażenia po pierwszych dniach pracy,
-na co zamierzasz wydać zarobione pieniądze,
Podpisz się jako XYZ. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów, pamiętając, ze długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów.
Błagam o szybką odpowiedź daje naj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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how are you? I found a job on holiday time, it's very nice. I'm a farmer assistent. I am working only 3 days but the job is very nice and I like it. First money I will spend on new phone, becouse my old is in bad condition.
Hi Alice,
How are you? Month ago I started art lessons. You know I like draw and paint. In my school there is a club which is organising this lessons. I'm very satisfied and happy that I go there. I also meet a lot of new people. In class there is about twenty students! I have a new friend, too. Her name is Clary and she is very friendly and kind. You should meet her someday. Next Saturday I'm going to a party on which she invited me and some people from our club. I hope it'll be great. Best wishes for you and your family.
Looking forward to your answer,
21.12.2011, 20:57Ca9s PoczątkującyZgłoś nadużycieDziękuję (4)Hi John!
How are you? I'm fine. I heard it was rained in your country, UK. It's true?
I've got a great message for you. Finelly I can realize things I alway wanted to do. I'm talking about dancing. Dance is so cool, you can dance what you feel deep inside. It's exciting for me. Now I am not scary of the audience and boldly dance to everybody can see what I can. One month ago I was like gray mouse, but now I'm like white swan. It's so big different, don't you think?
By dancing I met many awesome people, dancer who think the same what I think. I have got twice message: today i'll go with them to the party in the nightclub. I hope it will be nice and I'll meet other dancers too.
Let me know what you think.
Set my love to your family.
Best wishes,