Zad. 2 str. 53 podr. do j. angielskiego klasa 6.
Ask and answer.
1. Who are Joe and Dan?
2. Why was the commander very serious?
3. When did Spaceship Zeus take off for Mars?
4.Where did Spaceship Zeus disappear?
5. What are Joe and Dan going to do tomorrow?
6. Why are Joe and Dan going to fly to the space station?
7. What did the astronauts see after the controls stopped working?
Prosze o pomoc! ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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<- odpowiedź tej osoby na identyczne pytania brzmi:
1. Joe and Dan are astronauts.
2. Because Spaceship Zeus disapeared.
3. Spaceship Zeus took off last week.
4. It disapeared near the Mars.
5. They are going to fly to the space station on Mars.
6. Because they must find some informations about Spaceship Zeus.
7. They saw planet, comets, stars and bright light.