Zad 1
Popatrz na piramidę zdrowia i na osobnej kartce napisz czego powinniśmy jesc duzo a czego amlo. Opisz jak powinien wyglądac zdrowy tryb życia, jak często należy ciwiczyć jak długo spac co robic w wolnym czasie a czego unikac. użyj około 80-100 słow
PS nie zapomnij u uzuciu czasowników modalncyh: should, shouldn't, can, can't, must
na piramidzie znajdują sie takie grupy rzywnosici
Fat sweets
Meat and Eggs
Dairy products
Bread And cereals
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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we can't eat fat sweets, to be healthy. we can but we shouldn't eat meat and eggs. sometimes we should eat diary products. we should eat fruit and vagetables. we must eat bread and cereals.
we should practice sport two days in week after 1.5 hours. we need to sleep eight hours every day. we mustavoidcomputersbut ifsowe wantisfora very shorttime. inmy free timeis best tospendtimeon walkswith my dogandwalkingon the seaorin the woods.
54 słowa
We should think about things wich we eat . The most important thing is Bread and cereals , we can eat them how much we want to . Next importatnt thing is Vegetables . We should eat them to be strong . They help us to be healthy . Fruit - its realy good thing . They are sweet and we need them . Not that much , but still important is to eat dairy product . We can't eat a lot of Meat and eggs but we shuldn't don't eat them . We don't need any sweets ,because we getting fat after them . If we eat sweets we should prctise