Zad 1. Obrazek : na obrazku jest młoda dziewczyna która się śmieje i jest zadowolona , karmi żyrafę 1. How do you think the person in the picture feels ? 2. Why is it that people like animals so much ? 3. Describe an experience you had of seeing a wild or exotic animal.
zad 2. Ułuż rozmówkę między tobą a twoim kolegą (gościem) który się u ciebie rozchorował. Omów w rozmowie kwestie : samopoczucia gościa , konieczność wizyty u lekarza , domowe sposoby leczenia, zmiana planów na kolejne dni
Zadanie 1 1. She is glad and enjoys a time she is spending. 2. Because animals are the only creatures they can take care of. Maybe it's her job. 3. I was at zoo and there was a gate which everyone could open. Inside were goats. They escaped after I had opened a gate. They were running around the whole zoo and stuff had to catch them.
Zadanie 2 - Tom, how are you? - I am fine, Lucy. I just have a sore throat. - Should we hatch a doctor? - nope. It's ok. - I will give you hot water with my grandma'a raspberry juice. And whole next week we should not eat ice anymore. Ok? - sure.
1. She is glad and enjoys a time she is spending.
2. Because animals are the only creatures they can take care of. Maybe it's her job.
3. I was at zoo and there was a gate which everyone could open. Inside were goats. They escaped after I had opened a gate. They were running around the whole zoo and stuff had to catch them.
Zadanie 2
- Tom, how are you?
- I am fine, Lucy. I just have a sore throat.
- Should we hatch a doctor?
- nope. It's ok.
- I will give you hot water with my grandma'a raspberry juice. And whole next week we should not eat ice anymore. Ok?
- sure.