Zabrałaś/Zabrałaś swojego zwierzaka do weterynarza. Sporządź notatkę, w której zapiszesz jego zalecenia, by o nich nie zapomnieć (50-120 wyrazów).Opisz symptomy choroby.Zapisz informację o postawionej diagnozie. Zanotuj, co zalecił weterynarz.
Symptoms: warm nose, snarling breathing, barking of lesser intensity, weakness in hind legs, limitation of tail movement to the minimum necessary, below which the owner would feel offended by the lack of commitment to building a relationship.
Stroking 5 to 8 times a day for 3 minutes or more, no overdose possible. Give liquids several times a day, preferably water. Place tablets in the throat three times a day and then cause by moving the hand along the esophagus the tablets deign to move towards the creature's stomach. Take care not to suffocate the pet.
Be more vigilant at times when the home guardian is weakened.
Diagnosis: unspecified food poisoning affecting the motor activity of the patient, in this case the dog. 90% chance to survive.
Animal: dog
Symptoms: warm nose, snarling breathing, barking of lesser intensity, weakness in hind legs, limitation of tail movement to the minimum necessary, below which the owner would feel offended by the lack of commitment to building a relationship.
Stroking 5 to 8 times a day for 3 minutes or more, no overdose possible. Give liquids several times a day, preferably water. Place tablets in the throat three times a day and then cause by moving the hand along the esophagus the tablets deign to move towards the creature's stomach. Take care not to suffocate the pet.
Be more vigilant at times when the home guardian is weakened.
Diagnosis: unspecified food poisoning affecting the motor activity of the patient, in this case the dog. 90% chance to survive.