Z powodu choroby od tygodnia nie chodzisz do szkoły. W e-mailu do koleżanki z Anglii: • opisz swoje dolegliwości • poinformuj, jak rodzina opiekuje się Tobą podczas choroby • napisz, jak koledzy z klasy pomagają Ci w nauce podczas choroby.
Last few weeks wasn't really good for me. I got a flu, my head and throat is hurting all the time. Besides this I find it hard to eat anything. My family support me a lot during this time. My mother checks on me every hour. My classmates are also very helpful. They send me notes from every subject. My bestfriend often call me and ask about my health and help me with math. What about you?Let me know how are you feeling.
Hi Anna
Last few weeks wasn't really good for me. I got a flu, my head and throat is hurting all the time. Besides this I find it hard to eat anything. My family support me a lot during this time. My mother checks on me every hour. My classmates are also very helpful. They send me notes from every subject. My bestfriend often call me and ask about my health and help me with math. What about you?Let me know how are you feeling.
(twoje imie)