Z koleżanką ułoż dialog według podanych wskazówek.Następnie przećwiczcie go razem
A:Powiedz koleżance że się przeprowadzasz do nowego mieszkana.Najbardziej cieszy Cię wizja posiadania własnego pokoju.
B:Wyraź zadowolenie z tego powodu.Zapytaj o lokalizację tego mieszkania i jego wygląd.
A:Opisz lokalizację i wygląd mieszkania,opisując swój pokój w szczególnośći
B:Wyraź opinię o mieszkaniu kolegi.Powiedz o swoim domu marzeń.
A:Wyraź nadzieje że marzenia kolegi się spełnią
B:Zapytaj czy koleżanka planuję parapetówkę
A:Powiedz,jakie są twoje plany związane z tą imprezą
Jak coś to nie bierzcie z tłumacza
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A: Tomorrow I will move to a new flat.I so glad because I will finally have my own room!
B: Ooh It's fine. But tell me something about location. Where is it? Do you already see this flat?
A:It's not far away.10 minutes from the school. Yes I saw this flat last week. There is wonderful! Especially my room. There are blue walls and large windowsill. Room is furnished :)
B.Sounds good. I hope you invite me some day :) I always dream about hause with swimming pool,big bathroom and big kitchen.
A: Me too! I hope your dream come true.
B:Will you plan to make ahousewarming?
A: Yes. I'm going to invite all the classmate! It will be great party.There will be loud music, a lot of sweets and even champagne :)
- Hi Natalia. Do you know my news?
- No! What's happened?
- I will have new room. My own room! Can you believe it? I will have new house. I will move tommorow!
- Wow. It's wonderfull! Where will you live and how your room will look like?
- It will look like a room from my dreams. It is blue and yellow. It has posters on the walls. I will have my own desk and very comfortable bed. My room is near my mother's and father's room.
- It sounds very nice.I would like to have similar. I had a dream I have a yellow and violet one room and my own desk, but I must to share it with my brothers and sisters now. The house where I have my own room is my dream house
- I hope your dream will done.
- Do you plan a housewarming?
- Sure! I plan a big party! Will be very nice party. I plan to invite all our friends! Will be music and a lot of food and drink. You must be there!
- I will be!
- So we will have a lot of fun!