Planujesz zapisać sie na kurs językowy w Anglii. Napisz list do firmy oferującej takie kursy, w którym: 1. Przedstawisz krótko swoje plany oraz cel tego listu (prośba o informacje) 2. Zapytasz o poziom oraz długość kursów oferowanych przez firme 3. Zapytasz gdzie sie mieszka w trakcie kursu i ile to kosztuje 4. Poprosisz o możliwie szybką odpowiedź.
W liście powinno być użyte 120-150 słów.
Proszę jeszcze o przetłumaczenie tego listu na jezyk polski.
Pilne-na jutro...;/
Z góry dziękuje. ;*
Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing in connection of your advertisiment which i saw in 'The Guardian' last week. I'm interested in your english courses. I am an 18 years-old student from Poland. For some time I am looking for a course in English and that's why I would like to ask for more deatails: how many levels do you offer and how long are they? It's important for me because I'm interested in a course in English at higher lever... I have also some questions about accommodation: do you offer a building where I can stay for this time when i will attend at your course? how many it will cost? Please, give me your answer as soon as you can, it's very important for me. Your faithfully, XYZ
I'm writing in connection of your advertisiment which i saw in 'The Guardian' last week. I'm interested in your english courses. I am an 18 years-old student from Poland. For some time I am looking for a course in English and that's why I would like to ask for more deatails: how many levels do you offer and how long are they? It's important for me because I'm interested in a course in English at higher lever...
I have also some questions about accommodation: do you offer a building where I can stay for this time when i will attend at your course? how many it will cost?
Please, give me your answer as soon as you can, it's very important for me.
Your faithfully,