6 Przeczytaj pary zdań (1–5). Uzupełnij każdą lukę tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego, używając podanego obok wyrazu. W każdym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech wyrazów.
1 Doing the shopping in a local shop does not take as much time as in a supermarket. (LESS) Doing the shopping in a local shop ................................................... in a supermarket. 2 Can you help me please? I’m too short to reach the shelf. (ENOUGH) Can you help me, please? I’m ................................................... to reach the shelf. 3 I’ve never been to a worse restaurant than this one. (THIS) .......................................................... restaurant I’ve ever been to. 4 I’m afraid I haven’t got enough money to buy this dress. (COSTS) I’m afraid this dress .................................................... money for me to buy. 5 My sister Kate is a really careful driver. (DRIVES) My sister Kate ...........................................................