You're going to write a castway diary. Discuss these questions and write notes.
1. Where is your hut?
2. What do you eat?
3. Areyouplanning to escape?
4. What's the island like?
5. How long have you been here?
6. How did you get here?
7. What have you done today?
8. What's the worst thing about being on the island?
9. What are your plants for the future?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My dear diary, it is the first time I am writing in you. Me and Adam were traveling on the boat through the Baltic Sea.When suddenly the weather has changed dramatically. A gust of wind had turned over our boat. Because I was not able to swim I drowned. But not exaclty, somehow I woke up on the unknown beach. Adam was not with me anymore. He was one of the best swimmers in our school, I can't believe that he is lost. I have looked around this weird place and found a hut where I hid from oncomming rain. I felt sleepy.
When I woke up on the other day I had to find something to eat. Next to my hut there was a hudge banana tree so I took some to eat. For the whole day I was thinking and planning how to escape from this island. I wanted so much to see my best friend again. The night has covered the island, I heard some scarry voices and I ran as quick as possible to my hut.
Yesterday I have walked through the island to see if there is anything that would help me to esacpe. I saw a campfire, it was still burning. I knew that someone has to be here but I didn't wanted them to see me so I hid myself in a bush but no one was comming so I went to eat some bananas.
I have calcucalted that I am on this island for seven days. I am feeling so lonley and that's the worst thing about this island. I can't even open my mouth to someone.
That's it I said! I have decided to go there where a burning campfire was. I was so suprised! I saw Adam! He was sitting there next to his hut and eating banannas. We were so lucky that his mobile phone was waterproof. He called his parent an we were find and rescued in the next three hours.
Adam and I have decided that we would never travel on our own in the future.
Może być :) ? Jak jeszcze coś to pisz to dopiszę :)