your English teacher wants you to write a story the story must begin with this sentence sami woke up and decided it was a perfect day to fly a kite (MUST USE VERB 2)
Sami woke up and decided it was a perfect day to fly a kite, he prepared his kite to went outside and played with the other friends. Sami felt happy when he fly his kite in the air, the kite looked so small when it fly up high, but when the wind started to stop, his kite fell to the ground, Sami waited for the wind until it comeback, when it comeback Sami started to fly his kite again and he had fun with his hite. this was his happiest day in this life.
Sami woke up and decided it was a perfect day to fly a kite, he prepared his kite to went outside and played with the other friends. Sami felt happy when he fly his kite in the air, the kite looked so small when it fly up high, but when the wind started to stop, his kite fell to the ground, Sami waited for the wind until it comeback, when it comeback Sami started to fly his kite again and he had fun with his hite. this was his happiest day in this life.