Wytnij 3-5 osób z kolorowych czasopism ( to sam zrobie) . Wyobraź sobie , co mogłaby robić , i napisz o ich pracy i z ich punktu widzenia. Użyj swojej wyobrażni.
przykład: I'm an acrobate in a circus. I do tricks on a trazpeze, walk on a tightrope, and do dificult jumps in the air. I love my job becouse it can be very exciting. Of course in can be dangerous too.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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kobieta/matka z dzieckiem: I am a babysitter. I feed the baby, play with her/him, change his clothes. Even though my job is not really well paid, I wouldn't change it, because I love spending time with children. But taking care of a baby doesn't mean I can sit on a sofa and watch TV all day, no. I need to watch him/her all day, to make sure the baby doesn't get hurt and my employer won't be mad at me.
rowerzysta: I am a postman. You would think my job is not really interesting, but for me it is. I can meet new people all the time and explore the city. Sometimes I even get a tip for a quick delivery in the morning. But that doesn't mean I just cycle around the city. Almost every day I get chased by a dog, blamed for the condition of a package, thrown out of someone's house because someone had a really bad day.
jakiś koleś w garniturze: I am a lawyer. I never considered my job boring to be honest, well, there is a lot of office job of course, which IS boring, but revealing new cases of people's crimes always makes up for that. Sometimes I even want to laugh from someone's stupidity, but my job requires me to keep calm and respecting my client. But the worst and most stressing part of my job is defending my client in the court. I need to listen carefully to what is said on a trial and quickly think and write down arguments why my client is innocent, or at least why he doesn't deserve imprisonment or a huge penalty. And if I fail at that, I usually get shouted at by my client.