Wyrazami uzupełnij zdanisa: engaged, become,got married, got divorced ,to, retired, fell in love, left, chatted, visited, born, grew up He.....in a poor family but he....rich when he won a million dollars. She.....with him when she saw him for the first time. they got ......a year ago. She had a lovely white dress. They got.....and now she has a new husband. We moved....Poznań when I was 7. My grandmother..... when she was 65. I....a dance club once a week. She....school when she was 16. I was... in July. He met her online and they....for a long time. they got.....yesterday. He gave her a beautiful ring adn a bunch of red roses.
1. I don't no
2. Let's get exciting something him. ??
3. What about a new TV ?
4. Hmm maybe. I know! How about a pizza?
5.He loves eating a pizza. That's great idea.