Wyprowadziłeś się na wieś z rodzicami, napisz do znajomego z kanady krótki e-mail w którym: - zapytasz o jego samopoczucie - poinformujesz o przeprowadzce do nowego domu na wsi -opowiesz co ci się najbardziej podoba w nowym domu -zaprosisz znajomego do siebie
how are you? thanks for your last massage . guess what ? i moved to a new house in a villige . It isnt so bad . Its different , but i will get into a groove soon . the most i like my new room, its much bigger than my last one . its also more lighful and neighborhood isnt loduly so i can sleep very well on my new comfortable bed . i have tv set in my room . i watch movies every evening . You should come here . Would you want to visit me ? Think about it , and answer to me soon
1 votes Thanks 4
kamilus16022Hi.What theCibianahear?Togetherwith his parentsmoved tothe village.There's evenfun.What I like mostinhim isthatI have myroomand a beautifullarge garden.Maybeprzyjedziesme?Bendziemybe fun. You will meetmy newcolleagues.This is my12thaddressnewvillage I greet
hey (imie)
how are you? thanks for your last massage . guess what ? i moved to a new house in a villige . It isnt so bad . Its different , but i will get into a groove soon . the most i like my new room, its much bigger than my last one . its also more lighful and neighborhood isnt loduly so i can sleep very well on my new comfortable bed . i have tv set in my room . i watch movies every evening . You should come here . Would you want to visit me ? Think about it , and answer to me soon
You will meetmy newcolleagues.This is my12thaddressnewvillage
I greet