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I greet. I one day spoke at the school on the lesson and the woman from J.minapisać told Polish I gave the essay on such subject what . I think that someone can have similar the situation as I now put the essay here .
We find out sie mnówstwa of interesting and interesting things on school occupations. We learn and broaden our knowledge. I do not judge conversations would favour our science on lessons, they are the reason of many failures outright just the opposite. I will support my thesis following arguments.
For first the speaking pupil, after kilkukrotnym returning the attention by the teacher maybe zostac asked from the hitherto existing subject. It probable would be little he will get the positive opinion for this answer because through not the attention we do not know the answer and only do not know what we have from us then wydusic, meanwhile the teacher knows what in such situation zrobic. We will not gain anything from this beyond the negative opinion which the teacher will punish the pupil. Dedicating the more attention to the teacher, than on conversations with colleagues or friends, we remember from the lesson more and are active.
This is second argument, that speaking on lessons we disturb not only, but also different pupils in the class. We distract all persons in surroundings then. Nobody the skupic of the attention can not on lesson and subject led by the teacher. Leading occupations in such situation there is prone zrobic announced the kartkówkę she would be satisfied from opinions from persons whose większosc. miec could claims only to the persons which disturbed in the leadership of the lesson so this profitable is not obviously.
This is the confirming argument of my thesis, that if one person began prowdzic conversations, next would come to them and the noise would come into being in the class. Nauczyeciel niebyłby in the condition zapanowac over zaistaniłą the situation, and this would end the reprimand for the whole class for absurd conversations in the worst incident he is not on the subject. This would testify only about the persons of uczących oneself in this class. The ones who from classes is would find out on the forum of the whole school the most burdensome and he disturbs in the leadership of the lesson.
According to me not lead mozna conversations with colleagues are even when they extremely interesting , because you should be careful on the lesson. The teacher leading lessons tries pupils to explain the given subject . And when someone speaks teacher this moze very much to distract . The teacher is one and is about thirty in pupils class mostly. We can from these many lessons wyniesc, and also zyskac good opinions. Respect the teacher and his work in which he puts the effort in the delivery us of knowledge a lot of he will also begin us traktowac with the respect. I am careful, that above mentioned arguments confirmed my thesis.
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moim zdaniem nie warto nie uważac na zajęciach szkolnych ponieważ dowiadujemy sie mnówstwa ciekawych i interesujących rzeczy. Kształcimy się i poszerzamy swoją wiedzę. Nie sądzę by rozmowy na lekcjach sprzyjałyby naszej nauce, wręcz przeciwnie są powodem wielu niepowodzeń. wtedy uczeń nie może sie skupić. nie przeszkadzamy tylko sobie ale i naszym kolegom i kolezankom którzy niechętnie słuchają naszych rozmów czy przeszkadzania na lekcji. Owoce nauki nie są ani dobre ani złe. Tylko od etycznej postawy badaczy oraz społeczeństwa zależy sposób ich wykorzystania sa bardz pomocne w dalszym ciągu zycia. nauka kształtuje nam wykształcenie które poźniej będzie nasza pracą . teraz w wieku gdzie chodzimy do szkoły mało kto rozumie ze dobre oceny prznoszą pożytek na dalsze nasze losy w zyciu. to juz teraz decydujemy jaki bd mieli kierunek w życiu , musimy postawic na zawód którym sie interesujemy ale jeszcze wcześniej trzeba sie to tego przygotowac tym sposobem ze trzeba sie uczyc. tak jest tez mój apel o uważanie na lekcjach :)
I do not think we do not consider the classes because they learn a lot of exciting and interesting things. We educate and we are expanding your knowledge. I do not think the conversation in the classroom should foster in our study, on the contrary are the cause of many failures. Then the student can not concentrate. do not disturb each other but only to our colleagues who are reluctant to listen to our conversations, or interfering with the lesson. Fruits of science are neither good nor bad. Only the ethical behavior of researchers and society depend on how they use are very helpful in further life. science education that shapes us, our work will be later. Now at the age where we go to school, few people understand the good reviews bring further benefit to our fate in life. is already now how will they decide the direction in life, we have a working in a profession where we are interested in August, but before that August is the need to prepare the way of you willing to learn. this is also my appeal is regarded lessons:)
1 votes Thanks 0
I do not think we do not consider the classes because they learn a lot of exciting and interesting things. We educate and we are expanding your knowledge. I do not think the conversation in the classroom should foster in our study, on the contrary are the cause of many failures. Then the student can not concentrate. do not disturb each other but only to our colleagues who are reluctant to listen to our conversations, or interfering with the lesson. Fruits of science are neither good nor bad. Only the ethical behavior of researchers and society depend on how they use are very helpful in further life. science education that shapes us, our work will be later.
We find out sie mnówstwa of interesting and interesting things on school occupations. We learn and broaden our knowledge.
I do not judge conversations would favour our science on lessons, they are the reason of many failures outright just the opposite. I will support my thesis following arguments.
For first the speaking pupil, after kilkukrotnym returning the attention by the teacher maybe zostac asked from the hitherto existing subject. It probable would
be little he will get the positive opinion for this answer because through not the attention we do not know the answer and only do not know what we have from us then wydusic, meanwhile the teacher
knows what in such situation zrobic. We will not gain anything from this beyond the negative opinion which the teacher will punish the pupil. Dedicating the more attention to the teacher,
than on conversations with colleagues or friends, we remember from the lesson more and are active.
This is second argument, that speaking on lessons we disturb not only, but also different pupils in the class. We distract all persons in surroundings
then. Nobody the skupic of the attention can not on lesson and subject led by the teacher. Leading occupations in such situation there
is prone zrobic announced the kartkówkę she would be satisfied from opinions from persons whose większosc. miec could claims only to the persons
which disturbed in the leadership of the lesson so this profitable is not obviously.
This is the confirming argument of my thesis, that if one person began prowdzic conversations, next would come to them and
the noise would come into being in the class. Nauczyeciel niebyłby in the condition zapanowac over zaistaniłą the situation, and this would end the reprimand for the whole class for absurd
conversations in the worst incident he is not on the subject. This would testify only about the persons of uczących oneself in this class. The ones who from classes is would find out on the forum of the whole school the
most burdensome and he disturbs in the leadership of the lesson.
According to me not lead mozna conversations with colleagues are even when they extremely interesting , because
you should be careful on the lesson. The teacher leading lessons tries pupils to explain the given subject . And when someone speaks teacher this moze very much to distract .
The teacher is one and is about thirty in pupils class mostly. We can from these many lessons wyniesc, and also zyskac good opinions.
Respect the teacher and his work in which he puts the effort in the delivery us of knowledge a lot of he will also begin us traktowac with the respect. I am careful, that above mentioned
arguments confirmed my thesis.
Nie sądzę by rozmowy na lekcjach sprzyjałyby naszej nauce, wręcz przeciwnie są powodem wielu niepowodzeń. wtedy uczeń nie może sie skupić. nie przeszkadzamy tylko sobie ale i naszym kolegom i kolezankom którzy niechętnie słuchają naszych rozmów czy przeszkadzania na lekcji. Owoce nauki nie są ani dobre ani złe. Tylko od etycznej postawy badaczy oraz społeczeństwa zależy sposób ich wykorzystania sa bardz pomocne w dalszym ciągu zycia. nauka kształtuje nam wykształcenie które poźniej będzie nasza pracą . teraz w wieku gdzie chodzimy do szkoły mało kto rozumie ze dobre oceny prznoszą pożytek na dalsze nasze losy w zyciu. to juz teraz decydujemy jaki bd mieli kierunek w życiu , musimy postawic na zawód którym sie interesujemy ale jeszcze wcześniej trzeba sie to tego przygotowac tym sposobem ze trzeba sie uczyc. tak jest tez mój apel o uważanie na lekcjach :)
I do not think we do not consider the classes because they learn a lot of exciting and interesting things. We educate and we are expanding your knowledge.
I do not think the conversation in the classroom should foster in our study, on the contrary are the cause of many failures. Then the student can not concentrate. do not disturb each other but only to our colleagues who are reluctant to listen to our conversations, or interfering with the lesson. Fruits of science are neither good nor bad. Only the ethical behavior of researchers and society depend on how they use are very helpful in further life. science education that shapes us, our work will be later. Now at the age where we go to school, few people understand the good reviews bring further benefit to our fate in life. is already now how will they decide the direction in life, we have a working in a profession where we are interested in August, but before that August is the need to prepare the way of you willing to learn. this is also my appeal is regarded lessons:)
I do not think the conversation in the classroom should foster in our study, on the contrary are the cause of many failures. Then the student
can not concentrate. do not disturb each other but only to our colleagues who are reluctant to listen to our conversations, or interfering with the lesson. Fruits of science are neither good nor bad. Only the ethical behavior of researchers and society depend on how they use are very helpful in further life. science education that shapes us, our work will be later.