Wypracowanie na min. 120 słów po angielsku . Na temat : " Jak chronic środowisko ?" . To ma byc o tym jak my mozemy chronić środowisko <co robić , a czego nie> . Nie kopiujcie z internetu ! Bo bd spamować . I żeby nie było trudne słownictwo , tak na poziomie 6 klasy . ; d
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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We can protect our environment even reproaching pieces of paper into the dustbin is already a great act. All people very much are making a mess lawns, forests itp. In the forest it isn't possible to reproach glass or plastic bottles, and to do the bonfire. It is possible whereas to stay overnight in the tent but then it is necessary to tidy up after itself. Lawns and plants in my opinion very much are being neglected. Men have the habit of spitting. Lawns are intended for the play. People walk with dogs and then they are finishing on the lawn, I would clean. In my opinion it is necessary to respect our environment.