Wyobraź sobie,że zamierzasz spędzić miesiąc w anglii na kursie językowym.Napisz list dorodziny u której będziesz mieszkać,przedstawiając się im i zawierając poniższe informacje
przedstaw sie iprzekaż ogólne informacje personalne o sobie napisz o mijscu w którym mieszkasz opowiedz o swoich zainteresowaniach i hobby zadaj pytania które pozwolą ci się dowiedzieć czegoś bliżej na temat rodziny u której będziesz mieszkać 120-150 slów
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello! My name's Ania, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Warszawa. Warszawa is the capital of Poland. I must to talk, that Warszawa is the most beautiful city in Poland for me.
I live in a small house near the biggest river in Pl- Wisla. I'm an only child, so I've got a room alone, it's very, very nice, but I regret that I haven't any brother or sister. Nevermind, I like sport. Always when I've got some free time I play footbal, it is my passion. I like music too, I'm playing the guitar, but I know that Im not as good as Jakk Wylde. I think that you know something about me now, so I want to know something about you, and your family, home, etc.
I've got some question to you, at first I'd like to know something about place where are you living. Do you live in a coutry or you prefer city?! Have you got a big family? Meybe do you've got a big kinsfolk?! And if u're living in the country it is far to the city?! If you've got some children it'll be good, because i'm a type of person, who like the children! It's all what I would to know. I hope, that you like persons like me...
See you arround
prosze, mysle, ze udalo mi sie pomoc!
Dear Jetsons.
My name is......., I am ... years old and I come from Poland. I am writing in connection with my accommodation in your home. I will arrive in next month to London because I take part in English language course. I am grateful for givin me support. I attend a high school and I live in Warsaw. This city is a capital of Poland. I hold a certificate in 'First degree in English language skills'. I love basketball and voleyball. I will want learning English language very good and get know English culture and tradition. You rejoice for my arrival? What do you think about this exchange? Have you children? I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincelery,