Wyobraź sobie, że w nocy (we śnie) cofnęłaś sie do roku 1400. Opisz (oczywiście po angielsku) wyglad ludzi, zwierząt, domów, pojazdów i wszystkiego!! Co najmniej pół strony.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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i had a strange dream last night. I was in medieval village, somewhere in the Europe. I was wearing weird clothes : brown skirt, black shirt,and ridicouls hat .The clothes was dirty and i didn't look in them well.I was standing in a front of a hause.It was big and dirty .later i decided to look around. I was walking along the path ,when i heard noise. It was a bell. I tought it was a church's bell, but i didn't see any churchs when i was walking. "the church must be somewere in the center of village " that's was wtat i think ,so i decideed to go further. and i had right. After few minutes i was in the center of village. Well word "center" is too big. it were only few homes ,and church.But sudenlly i noticed something weird : a pig in a front of me! i was secered, i didn't expect it ! I was fed up with the scent. It made me sick! sudenlly a old woman appeard and she said that the king is coming. few minutes leter i saw a knights on the horses. they ware wearing armors and they had swords! Someone strarted screaming " Welcome King ,Welcome King" one of knights put his helm off and he said.....i don"t know what he said because i woke up! What a dream ! Why i woke up when something interesting was about to happend?!I wish i had this dream again ,and i will know what whe king said.
Mam nadzieje ,że nie ma dużo błędów,i że przyda się to co napisałam