Wyobraź sobie, że w noc (w śnie) podróżowałaś wehikułem czasu. Cofnęłaś się do lat 500, 1000, 1500 i 1900. Opisz wszystkie lata! Napisz co cie tam zdziwiło, jak jest pogoda, zwierzęta, ludzie i ogólnie jak wygladają te czasy. Daję dużo punktów, wiec liczę na odpowiedź na wysokim poziomie!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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That evening, as usual, read the newspaper and I went to bed tired. I dreamed of a fairy who had a magical tool in the shape of a circle, allowing to move in time. So I decided, despite her warnings go back in time to the Middle Ages, to the days of knights and beautiful maidens.
He woke me shrill male voice. It was coming from somewhere close, like the cabin next door. Great was my surprise when I realized that I was on the ship. After all, this was supposed to be just a dream.
- What do you think ladies estate, which our king has ordered to make tymiż prisoners? Is life forgive them? Is cast into the underworld makes? -Heaved himself up on his elbow listening to the carefully. Only after a while I realized this conversation also concerns me. I had to be a prisoner? So, what I learned about the story?
- Our victory in the fight fair and balanced has given us the right to triumph over the defeated. Our Lord is merciful and gracious his will severely punish-second husband replied. - But I feel sorry for this young man is still young and has a lot of power is one of the few survivors.
- You're right, this burly guy and reminds me of my son, who was killed in the war. You can still save him, when we reach the shore. Near the ... - man lowered his voice and I could hear on what he said
After the hallway There were footsteps and loud words:
- Let our hearts rejoice! Win the war! Our wealth, and they are truly great, because the people of the great beat us miserably! War of winning the war won! Let us take a treat! - To my ears came the cheers yet.
Soon, absolute silence reigned, only you could hear the sound of the sea, seemed to feel a slight rocking of the ship endearment. As if all of a sudden disappeared somewhere. I was very curious how did I get here, the powers of hell brought me, after I hit the lock?
The air was damp, which mercilessly in breaking into my nostril piercing stench of mold and rotting wood. On the corner of the room for me there have monotonous scraping and crawling on the floor slimy worms. I wanted to move his hand, which pierced unrelenting pain, but my body was very tightly tied with thick bonds. I was wearing a heavy steel armor which was heavy and very disturbed at the slightest movement. Tore me terrible cough, and the whole area seemed to spin faster and faster, rocking the ship began to be persistent. I felt pressure on his chest, though, who tore my heart.
Suddenly ... opened the door, pushed from the inside with a strong hand. I wanted to be scared away and at the same time I received a furious punch in the head. Some steel hands prevented me stunned by the arms, stretched out. I had the impression that someone struggles with me ... Someone said to me, as if to warn: "Time is relentless, time does not shrink back, the time of our lord, its not fool. Why you had to play with his majesty "I lost consciousness, falling to the ground ... Everything happened so quickly and made me shiver - just like good action movies.
It got very hot, the smell of rot replaced the smell of fresh grass and spring flowers. I opened my eyes. The sky was clear and the sun shone light. With great difficulty I managed to get up, I felt a terrible stabbing pain in my side and head. When I picked up my eyes appeared a quiet grove, whose views cheered my heart, and to the ears of countless hit birdies singing sweet multicolored, flying in the thicket of branches. Everywhere was lovely and clean. As they venture deep into the stream I discovered that fresh water flowed from a clean white sand and kamyczkach like the gold surface and precious pearls.
Ugasiwszy his desire went away, and my eyes appeared a huge fortified castle surrounded by thick walls, with wonderful architecture. I had to do a few more steps to find inside. Again began to swirl in my head. Opened the wound on his side, began to bleed, and I fainted, because I never hated the sight of blood. Some people started to say something.
- Help this cavalier, bear the wounds of his need! Bring it to the castle to be, because I remnants of his forces on the legs is.
Not soon came to himself ... I felt the cold of the first nice temples ... Then some gentle hands wandered over my face ...
- Let us give thanks to our God, the only! You opened my eyes at last-I heard a whisper-quiet waćpan slept for so long that I almost lost hope.
Who was this woman? Squeezed through a narrow window in soft sunlight, illuminating the slim girl glow surrounding her auburn tresses. She was wearing a blue robe trailing in which looked like a life-giving goddess mountain springs. She moved as if it was born the sky, which gives the birds hovering smoothly under the arch of the divine. Suddenly he spoke, but not some kind of slogan, but the chivalrous beautiful voice.
- O divine lady, open your mouth, say, even whispers, what is thy name. Whose hands curing my wounds and care meant to me ... Are you already an angel or even an illusion to my eyes? - Remnants of the forces rose to look at her face closely, but the noise in my head did not let long to enjoy the moment, sank into a bed. You leaned over me, bathing my temples, shyly said:
- I am Eufemia. Lord, when I saw my father brought you decided to take the care. You have to come away as the remnants of the forces entered the castle. The journey had to be contingent, because she caught you, Mr. wounds and fever. So, I took you to each other, the court medic bandaged the wound and told you to rest. And before the young man, and life tis still be open for a long time.
EUFAMI, obmywszy me, rubbed fragrant oils and clothed in a shirt of the finest sendalu, woniejącą all. Vibration and Miss, who was in the room gave a coat that they say worth as much as the entire village or more. I could not believe it all. But now my dream has become a reality.
No longer have the strength to say anything, I fell asleep nestled overlooking Eufamii whose presence still felt in the dream. Passed the bottom, months, and I came back every hour to myself.
- Madam, let him die even longer than I had full lie idle on the bed not even knowing your father. Permit me to get up-we looked me straight in the eye itself, and though for a long time know that I love her, firmly fixed in this even more. Our lips met in a hot kiss.
- Soon, you will know my father. Until now, you had to save, because the wound healed very slowly. - She said.
He then left the room startled EUFAMI, which was, moreover, a cozy and comfortable place. This room used to be allocated important guests. Stretched over a huge bed canopy, a dresser and a table gleaming new ebony wood. All of a sudden the door opened and brought velvet robes and chain mail armor, my, and my sword, and combed my hair obmyto and signet rings on the fingers applied. As I have already stated my clothes clothed big mirror, I said if I'm happy.
I saw myself - a handsome adult male and almost screamed with delight. When I was finished, the king's messenger came and told him to follow. I saw the light of the sun illuminated a narrow corridor, and right at the end of the great hall, like a ball, similar to that on the lanes me a knight. The walls were beautifully decorated, the center has a huge variety of table set with dishes that smell was in the air. On the great gilded chair, sat King Charles in all his majesty, his wife beside him in a wonderful red robe, on the other hand his daughter - divine Eufemia in white, light dress exposing her charms deikatnie
- King of the Most Merciful, what good fortune I met today, to meet with you, but what the deserve this honor that deigned to take me under his wing and wrap such generosity? With this in thanks
fulfill your every command, every your word will do.
- Sit down young man. Probably tired came after some hard fighting, and my servant carried you to the palace. Thy sword emblem adorns my cousin in tis and you are my family. Knight Tell us what kind of life in the castle of your master, King William, and my cousin and great friend at the same time. - King Charles said.
After a moment, pointed to a chair with ivory standing by and told me to sit down. Went around the table giving the bride a beautiful variety of dishes cooked so well that appetite does not know when you hand out.
- The lock our Vandal tribes invaded cruel, easily ravaging his dobrobytek. And for this, that the king our sick and there is no one to issue appropriate orders. The entire suite of knights tried to defend the castle, but the advantage was overwhelming enemy ... - started his story. When asked how she escaped and came up here said:
- Those who survived were taken to the ship as prisoners, among them me. We had to be executed, but I saved the two men, leaving the clearing near your castle, gracious lord.
- The decree of God, he wanted you to come here for help for their king. Tomorrow at dawn my army, you Albion, led ruszycie regain what you lost and avenge the fallen - the king said firmly. This apparently upset his wife, because that said:
- And what about our plans for Charles, we want our daughter to marry you? And tomorrow, the tournament is to be held for her hand. In the morning we get to have suitors.
- Wife mine, so that they were ordered to return to our castle,
Eufemia then get to know them better. - Said the king.
Then it occurred to me that that was my daughter, Charles, I have to beat your competitors. This task will not be easy.
The feast lasted late into the night. Upon completion back to your room to go to bed. I took off my coat and lay down on a soft bed. Suddenly, from behind the curtain hiding the window EUFAMI emerged.
- Nice sir, battle awaits you tomorrow terrible. Take care of yourself and come back to me. My heart will wait. - He said this gave me a white veil, kissed. Grasped her hand when she wanted to leave.
- You my heart, thy beauty as inimitable as the wind. I want to capture it and hold tight on me. Stay with me ... I am you and you do not leave me now. Without you, there is nothing, there is no life there is in the world my love ...
She was with me all night. When I woke up in the morning clothed his armor took a sword, I was told to bring a horse. Euphemia said goodbye to her mother and went with the army to battle. I would go with the knowledge how difficult the task is in front of me. It was not a kind of problem solving in mathematics or physics, for which I did not liked. It could even lose their lives. I remembered how my mother whenever she was getting shots that I do not cry me a b brave boy. The problem was that now it was not to be shot. But I could not give up hope - as they used to read in books of science fiction-with every problem is a way out.
So I decided to cheer my comrades and sing: "Nothing can stop us, the good of our team." I was thinking to take advantage of the array of fighting Napoleon, but it could change the course of history. Full of hope and positive thoughts took over command. When we arrived near the enemy camp, commanded him to surround and crush, not allowing anyone to escape. The fight broke out, you could hear the screams and the sound of broken plates, clashing swords in combat, falling horses. It did not take too long, and the battle has been almost nothing.
We won! The plan was effective. Most rejoiced that there was no casualties on our side. Given booty seized by the enemy, and previously belonging to my king, drove off in the direction of my former palace, with great haste. I did not want to miss the tournament for the hand of my beloved, but the road was still long. I gave the advice in the fight against it and have time in the race for my love.
What was great joy and gratitude to King William, who miraculously healed and again as he sat on his throne. It gave me a new suit of armor, such as he agrees to take on the tournament, a strong back and a new horse. Armor was lighter than the previous one so embarrassed not so much my movements. A copy also was light, but strong so that I can effectively knock down the opponent's horse. So he mounted a black horse as soon as possible and rushed to the castle of King Charles.
When entering a castle square tournament has already ended. It was just one daredevil, who defeated all the suitors. How great joy reigned in the audience when he stepped to the position at the same time announcing that the military has overcome. Eufemia with hope in his eyes awaited my victory, and my opponent set on the opposite side. It looked scary and certainly he had a lot of experience in combat. I have to admit that I doubted for a moment, but the cheers gave me encouragement. There was a hoot, which mark the start of the tournament.
I moved myself and my opponent, full of ferocity and tenacity passed with a hostile glance and went back to their seats. Now, the movement from which everything depended. I set the focus and drove with a copy issued to the enemy-as it happens in the movies history. I felt a jolt and a bang. After a while my opponent fell to the ground. Great was the joy of the audience, King Charles, Euphemia. And my even more. So I drove towards my lady, and your scarf is tied to my back.
The king said:
- Albion, you'll be a good husband to my daughter, so I bless you with all my power.
In a short time there was a wonderful wedding and prom, which was also attended by King William. Euphemia and I were very happy. Strollin fairs around the castle, we ran through the gardens. But my dream is over and once again thanks to the fairy got to my reality. To this day, I remember the time when I became a knight and experienced extraordinary adventure, mystery and fruitful time. Then I got to know myself. I have found that I can handle, even as a knight.