Wyobraź sobie, że studiuje w szkole językowej w USA.napisać e-mail do znajomego po angielsku. 1.napisz e-mail o: podróż do USA klas szkolnych i nauczycieli nowych przyjaciół powód, aby zakończyć list tak od 50 do 100 słow bardzo was wyobraź sobie, że studiuje w szkole językowej w USA.napisać e-mail do znajomego po angielsku. 1.napisz e-mail o: podróż do USA klas szkolnych i nauczycieli nowych przyjaciół powód, aby zakończyć list
Pisz po polsku dziewczyno bo ciężko to zrozumieć .
Hi Jenny ,
How are you ? I just landed in the United States. The journey was great. Seats were very comfortable and service (obsługa) was friendly .
There are different classes and teachers. On the plane was noisy but it was impossible to withstand ( dało się wytrzymać) . Now we all are in the hotel .
I met a new friends . They are very nice. Jake and Jennifer are older than me by a year , but Alex is in my age . I like him .
Now we are going to visit a museums so I must end this letter( albo e -mail) .
Pisz po polsku dziewczyno bo ciężko to zrozumieć .
Hi Jenny ,
How are you ? I just landed in the United States. The journey was great. Seats were very comfortable and service (obsługa) was friendly .
There are different classes and teachers. On the plane was noisy but it was impossible to withstand ( dało się wytrzymać) . Now we all are in the hotel .
I met a new friends . They are very nice. Jake and Jennifer are older than me by a year , but Alex is in my age . I like him .
Now we are going to visit a museums so I must end this letter( albo e -mail) .
I waiting for your letter.
See you soon