Myrobotis arobotCookiewhenIwant toeatorIfeel likesomecakeand my momdid notwant me toaskhimto bakemesomeworktopreparecakeismyrobotcandoverynicecakes200ministersatto allwithoutexception,isthe narratorsowgranegoumniealsoto talk andunderstandwhatissaid to himbuthisbestfeatureis that itismy bestfriend!
My robot is helping in the kitchen for exapmle his is: cooking the dinner, making cakes and doing breakfast. He can clean the floors, use the vacuum cleaner, clean the car, help with the homework and clean the bathroom. He knows how to drive a car, print and send the mails. This robot is doing everything what you will ask him for. This is robot from our dreams.
My robot is a robot Cookie when I want to eat or I feel like some cake and my mom did notwant me to ask him to bake me some work to prepare cake is my robot can do verynicecakes 200 ministers atto all withoutexception, isthe narrator so wgranego umniealso to talk and understand what is said to him but his best feature is that it is my bestfriend!
My robot is helping in the kitchen for exapmle his is: cooking the dinner, making cakes and doing breakfast. He can clean the floors, use the vacuum cleaner, clean the car, help with the homework and clean the bathroom. He knows how to drive a car, print and send the mails. This robot is doing everything what you will ask him for. This is robot from our dreams.