Wyobraź sobie że mieszkasz na ulicy . Opisz swój dzień i uczucia towarzyszące mu :) Proszę PILNE :)
Today I woke up very early. I had to sleep in the train station. Night was very cold and I was really hungry after that. One hour later I was sitting near the supermarket. I asked sone people for food. I was so sad. I recognized how I lose everything in one day. It was the worst day of my life. My wife left me, my mother hate me and I don't have any other family. After twenty minutes of waiting some very kind man gave me bread and a sausage. I tought that there is hope for humanity yet. Rest of the day I spent on picking up cans and selling them. At 11 p.m. I started to look for some place to sleep. I decited to sleep on bench in park. That day was horrible.