Wyobraź sobie, że korespondujesz z rówieśnikiem z Afryki. W jego kraju panuje susza. Napisz do niego list, w którym umieścisz: -wyrazisz swoje uczucia w związku z sytuacją w Afryce -zapytasz, w jaki sposób możesz pomóc -opowiesz o swoich doświadczeniach z klęską żywiołową w Polsce 50-100 słów Na prostym, niezłożonym poziomie-gimnazjalnym. Proszę pamiętać o zamieszczeniu akapitów i najlepiej z przetłumaczeniem jeszcze na język polski.
Hey ABC! I've heard about the drought in your country and I am very sorry. It's heartbreaking to hear about your problems. Can I help you in any way? I would love to make it a bit easier for you. Once my parents told be about the biggest drought in Poland. It was in 1992 and was terrible for Polish people - in addition, a lot of forests and fields were burned. But it wasn't even half as big as yours! Please, let me know if I can help you. Greetings, XYZ
I've heard about the drought in your country and I am very sorry. It's heartbreaking to hear about your problems. Can I help you in any way? I would love to make it a bit easier for you.
Once my parents told be about the biggest drought in Poland. It was in 1992 and was terrible for Polish people - in addition, a lot of forests and fields were burned. But it wasn't even half as big as yours!
Please, let me know if I can help you. Greetings, XYZ