Wyobraź sobie, że jesteś na letnim obozie i uczysz się uprawiać nową dyscyplinę sportową. Napisz list do Emily, w którym odpowiesz na poniższe pytania. Where are you? Do you like it there? What sport are you learning? How many hours a day do you practise? Is the weather good? Have you got any new friend? What do you do in the evenings? PROSZĘ potrzebuję na teraz z góry thx
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Emily,
How are things, I hope you and you're family are fine. Just writing to tell you that I'm in a summer camp in Szczecin. Everything's incredibly great. We're learning to play Rugby here. I've never did this before so it's something new for me. We're training a lot, about 4 or sometimes even 5 hours a day! Our training starts from running about 2km. long and than we play some tactical games.
The weather excelent. Sun is shining all day long so it's the best weather for playing Rugby. I've met here a lot of new people. In the evenings we all go to the clubs or pubs to have some fun or sometimes we go to the cinema. Last good movie we saw was The Pirates Of The Caraibian.
Anyway, write me back soon as possible.
Take care,
mam nadzieje że pomogłem, gdyby coś się nie zgadzało to prosze pisać ;P