Wymyśl 7 zakazów i 7 nakazów, przetłumacz je na angielski. Muszą zaczynać się słowem You must (musisz - do znaków nakazów) i słowem You mustn't (nie wolno - do znaków zakazów). np. :
- Musisz założyć klapki.
You mustn't wear flip flops
- Niewolno rzucać przyborami szkolnymi.
You must throw school supplies
Pls na jutro
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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You must wear blue jeans.
You must be quiet.
You must eat healthy food.
You must go sleep early
You must be good for your parents.
You must be polite.
You must get up early.
You mustn't go out with Piotrek.
You mustn't speek loud.
You mustn't eat fast food.
You mustn't be lazy.
You mustn't drive when you drink alkochol.
You mustn't listen to the radio at the lessons
You mustn't go to the club alone.